Our Quality Standards
Our Quality Standards
To be a permanent company by ensuring the satisfaction of our customers and employees,
To always be known as the company that produces the best and most original product in the market,
To continuously develop and renew our product range,
To ensure that our employees participate in continuous training and the system,
To ensure continuous improvement in quality and productivity,
To provide effective communication with our customers, suppliers and employees,
To base continuous improvement in line with quality targets,
To know and ensure that the principle of continuous development and improvement is essential for success,
To ensure the unconditional satisfaction of our stakeholders within the framework of legal sanctions, taking into account the social and ethical rules,
To ensure that the achievements we have achieved within the framework of our quality policy are sustainable and to play an active role in the implementation of quality management systems,
To comply with legal regulations to ensure occupational health and safety, environmental safety and information security,
To ensure the evaluation of wastes that can be recycled,
To use natural resources such as raw materials, energy, fuel and water in the most efficient way possible
Z. Abidin Kaplan